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Prof. Connail McCrory

Pain medicine

Chronic pain

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Professor Connail McCrory is Clinical Professor, Dept of Surgery, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin specialising in Pain Medicine and Clinical research investigating the aetiology of chronic nerve pain. Appointed to St. James Hospital, Dublin in 2002 he established a multidisciplinary Pain Clinic introducing Neuromodulation to St. James Hospital and was Medical Director Pain Medicine 2004-2015. Professor McCrory was appointed Chairman of the Pharmacy & Therapeutics committee 2005-2007 and played a key role in the development of the new pharmacy storage facility at St. James in addition to facilitating the National Nurse Prescribing programme. Professor McCrory was elected as the Irish representative to the Neuromodulation Society of Great Britain & Ireland and was involved in developing the criteria for the PROCESS study which was the largest multi-center international study undertaken examining the role of spinal cord stimulation in FBSS. Professor McCrory established a Post-Doctoral Research Programme and was appointed as Primary Investigator in TCD in 2010. Professor McCrory was elected Dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, CAI, from 2015-2018 having previously chaired the Examinations, Training and Reciprocity committees of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. He played a pivotal role in establishing the training standards in Pain Medicine in Ireland as well as establishing the two-part Fellowship examination in Pain Medicine. Professor McCrory was appointed a a Visiting Professor to Stanford University School of Medicine in 2018. Professor McCrory is an examiner for Final MB, Final FCAI, Final FPMCAI examinations in Ireland and was an external examiner to UK RCOA Final FPM exam in 2019. Professor McCrory has sat on Expert Advisory panels for both HIQA, developing Health Technology Assessment for the management of Spinal Pain and the Health Product Regulatory Authority developing guidelines for the use of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Ireland. Professor McCrory was editor of the British Journal of Anaesthesia Education Pain Medicine section from 2015-2020.

Professor Connail McCrory MB, FCAI, FIPP, FPMCAI, MD. Graduated RCSI June 1988. Trained in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine in Ireland, UK and Sweden. Completed HPT in Ireland and was awarded Certificate of Specialist Training in 1997. Then undertook a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship position at the Dept of Pharmacology, RCSI, under the supervision of Prof D. Fitzgerald having won a Royal City of Dublin Research Grant. This work resulted in the award of the Degree - Doctor of Medicine MD with a thesis entitled : The Role of Cox-2 Expression in Post-Operative Nociception. Then moved to Sweden to undertake further training in Pain Medicine at the Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm under Prof S. Arner (Chronic Pain) and Cancer Pain under Prof D. Westerling at Lund University Hospital, Lund Sweden, 2000-01. Appointed to St. James Hospital in 2002 and passed the Fellowship in Interventional Pain Examination,FIPP, in 2005.

Primary Investigator at Trinity Translational Medicine Institute and Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, TCD. Professor McCrory leads a Post-Doctoral Research Programme in investigating the aetiology of chronic neuropathic pain in vivo. To date Professor McCrory has supervised four Doctorates to award ( one PhD and three MD's) in addition to one Post Doctoral research project and has published over 25 original research articles as Senior Author. Currently has international collaborative projects with Stanford Neuroscience and Pain Laboratory, Stanford University, CA and The University of Texas at Houston, MB Anderson, Dept of Neuroimmunology. Current research is funded by a National Institute of Health grant. Professor McCrory was editor for the British Journal of Anaethesia Education Pain Medicine section from 2015-2020 and is a regular reviewer for the following journals: PAIN, Brain Behaviour & Immunity, Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine and IJMS

Appointed to Irish National Training Scheme in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Medicine receiving the Certificate of Specialist Training in 1997. Pain Fellowship training at Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm under Professor S. Arner focusing on Chronic Pain assessment and Intervention and Cancer Pain at Lund University Hospital under Professor D. Westerling Lund, Skane, Sweden 2000-01. Appinted to St. james Hospital 2002 adn sat and pased the World Institute of Pain Fellowship examination in 2005.

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